Rene!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How the heck are you??????????????????Is that you email you left – I’ll send you an email so we can exhange contact info! Wonderful to hear from you!!!!!
I just wanted to say I have been blown away by your range. Bosch has become something of a comfort watch for my family since my father had a stroke but I don’t think any of us would have said that you played Luther in Its Always Sunny and a range of others I’ve now seen popping up. Thank you for your amazing performances and as a fan I really appreciate being able to tell you that you have had a real positive impact on not just myself but my family watching you.
Hi Ted, I’m so sorry your dad had a stroke. I hope he’s coming back well from it. Your message touched me deeply. I truly appreciate your support and want to thank you for your kind words. Health and happiness to you and your family always, Greg (Cummins)
I’m so glad I found this site. I’m a big fan and learned so much I didn’t know. Had no idea you were a Cal Bear before acting. My buddy and I do a movie podcast and you’re one of the guys we talk about as one of our Show Legends. We did episodes on Action USA and Blood Games, it’s only a matter of time before we do Hack-O-Lantern, and we just recently got to talk about you some more as we wondered why you didn’t get more than your one great scene in Batman Returns. I’m leaving the links to the Blood Games and Action USA, in case you’re interested.
Hey Gregory, I hope you’re doing well. I was searching up your work after rewatching It’s Always Sunny. My roommates caught your cameo in Buffy the Vampire Slayer too! I gotta ask, how much of that steely demeanor from Luther’s character is based on you. Obviously you’re a jovial guy, but I’ve always imagined that tough guy characters like that have a bit of an actor’s true “worst case” personality in them. If he’s nothing like you on your worst days, how do you get into the headspace to portray such a character.
Hi Ajay, Good question! Well, through many years of acting training, we are taught to explore ALL emotions and train to where we can play any possible role. Human beings are capable of so many things. The way I am in real life, my behavior, my actions, and my personality, is a choice. But, we all have dark sides that can come out if we want them too. The key for an actior – is being able to explore all the sides of ourselves – and learn to have control over them. Good question! Greg
Hello, Greg!!! I really like your acting work.
I have almost all your films and tv shows.
You often plays heavies, but I remember your heroic roles in Dead end city, Action USA and Click. Thanks for your work.
Wow Alex! I’m flattered you’ve seen so many things I’ve been in. Those movies you mentioned we some of the very earlist films I ever did – and they were VERY low budget films! Appreciate you! Greg
My name is Maurice Shortall and I run the Cheap Heat Productions Podcast in Dublin Ireland .
I’m writing to you today to see if it was possible to have you on the show some time .
Since our formation in November 2019 we have featured some of the biggest stars in the world of entertainment with the following brands represented
Tommy Chong (Cheech and Chong )
Chris Hansen (Dateline NBC)
Chumlee (Pawn Stars )
Paul Michael Glaser (Starsky and Hutch )
Judge Judy (Byrd)
Carole Baskin (Tiger King )
As well as some pro wrestlers like Ahmed, Johnson , Al Snow , The Godfather, Bill DeMott , Doug Basham and Sabu .
I would love to get you on to talk about your career in the tv/movie industry and about how you got into the business . As a pop culture podcast I’d like to talk about your journey and some highlights from your extensive career .
The shows are 30 mins video uploaded to YouTube . We have gained 1.1million Views in just under 3 years and You would be an amazing addition .
Hope to hear from you
Hey Greg, I originally became acquainted with you from Always Sunny, but really enjoyed some of your older movies, especially Action USA, which we watched at a recent movie night. It’s a criminally underrated movie. Good luck in your endeavors.
Hi..this is Handlebar Henry. Just stopped by for a short visit. I’ll check all of this out later. It’s amazing how many parts you’ve played over the years!!!
I’m watching all seasons of Bosch again and you are just such a pleasure to watch. I so love the humor, kindness and sincerity of your character on screen which I am sure is not simply a result of good writing but is truly your warm and caring personality shining through. Your performance is so smooth, natural and flawless. I look forward to seeing more of your brilliant acting. I hope that you are doing well and wish you the very best in all of your endeavors.
I’m really glad I found your website. I became a fan from it’s always sunny in Philadelphia and then started trying to watch everything else Ive found that you’ve been in. Two quick questions. Would you ever go on the it’s always sunny podcast? I was also wondering how I could get an autographed picture from you. I am a huge fan and it would be awesome to have that framed in my house. Thank you brother!
Appreciate it Vito!!! Thanks for the support! Send me a private message – and I’ll give you my mailing address and tell you how I can get a signed picture to you oh – I see your email – I’ll send you an email and I’ll get you that signed pi! Oh of course I’d do a Sunny podcast. I’ve done podcast where we talked about Sunny. But – I’ve never got contacted by the guys to do the official one yet – off their website. All the best, Greg
Hi Jordon, well, I auditioned with the director of the episode Anson Williams (from Happy Days fame). He was wonderful, and gave me the part. Everyone on the show was great! It was a lot of fun. Anson and the cast were extremely nice.
I just wanted to say hello and that it was great to see you on Bosch: Legacy. I began the season worried that you may not appear but was so pleasantly surprised to finally see you again on episode 4. I hope all is and has been well with you. Hopefully, I and all of your fans will see more of you soon.
Thank you so much Brittany! We got word that Crate and Barrel will be in season 2 of Bosch Legacy. Don’t know how many episodes yet, but we feel fortunate that they are having us back. Thanks again for the support. Greg 🙂
Just finished reading your feature article in the Lamorinda weekly that my mother sent me. The article brought back fond memories. I hope you’re doing well.
From an old High School classmate.
In such a competitive environment as the motion picture industry, for you to have lasted as long in the business as you have, is in my mind nothing short of amazing. No one survives this long in Hollywood unless they have genuine talent, which you indeed possess, but also if they have very finely tuned survival skills. As a Marine vet, I do know a lot about how one survives adversity, and in so many ways both you and I learned the same lessons.
As they say Down Under in Australia, its a Bloody Miracle.
Have really enjoyed the various shows in which you’ve been on
I live in Lafayette and would love to interview you for the Lamorinda Weekly
Stay well
Jon Kingdon
Hi Greg,
I can’t believe we’ve known each other 35 years.
I just finished watching your interview with Sequels Only Podcast on YouTube.
What a great interview!
Boy! That brought back some memories. Although I have to say that I felt a little slighted that my name wasn’t mentioned as one of the girlfriends that was nice and good to you.
LOL. 🥰
You will always be my sweetheart!
Love You,
Candy!!! How are you??? I sent you a birthday card and it got returned! I’ve been worried. Tried to contact you many times on your cell, and I haven’t heard back. Please contact me and let me know how you are doing!!!!! I’ve been worried!!!!! xoxo, Greg
My name is JON Kingdon and I live in Lafayette and write for the Lamorinda Weekly and I’ve been really enjoying your work on Bosch, in particular
Besides our both living and having lived in Lamorinda, I also have a football background having worked for the Oakland/L.A./Oakland Raiders for 33 years from 1978 to 2012, the last 20 as the Director of College Scouting. I co-authored a book called Al Davis. Behind the Raiders Shield and if you would be interested , I would be happy to send you a copy of the book.
If you would be amenable, I would love to write a story about you and your career for the paper.
Best wishes for continued success
Hi Jon, Wow – you have quite a resume! I sent you an email on how to contact me directly. Sorry for the time it took me to get back to you. I think we know a lot of the same people involved with the sports. I’d LOVE to read your book as well! Looking forward to it. Greg
Hi Gregory!
I hope you’re doing well and staying safe! It’s not quite Halloween yet BUT I have to say… your movie Hack-o-lantern is one of mine and my friends all time favorite movies to watch around Halloween. We quote you and grandpa year round and honestly it would be such a pleasure to meet you one day! Would there be any possible way myself and my friend would be able to send you our copy(s) of the hack-o-lantern Blu-ray to sign? I’m so sorry if that’s too forward and it’s totally ok if you don’t do that sort of thing but it would absolutely make our day. Anyway, either which way we appreciate you! Thank you so much and take care!
Hi Gregory (but will from henceforth will be “Crate” to me).
Wanted to send my gratitude for your acting and express how much I have enjoyed watching your character on “Bosch.”
(Forgive me for sounding like a star struck fan) but if there is any way/process for me to request an autograph, please let me know. Both my daughter and I would truly be grateful.
In any event, all the best and stay safe & healthy!!
Hi Venice, thanks so much for your kind words, I truly appreciate it. I’ll send you my mailing address privately to your email and send you out a signed headshot that looks like Crate from Bosch. All the best, Greg 🙂
Good morning. During Covid I’ve been finding shows to watch on television. Two days ago I completed all 12 seasons of NYPD Blue and I needed something new. Someone told me about the series Bosch. Last night I asked my daughter to look it up to get me the overview and she asked if I want to hear who was in the cast. I said “sure” and then she listed everybody off we came across your name. I told her that we met back in the 90s. She of course didn’t believe me. When she saw you’re from Orinda, she gave it some consideration. I told my kids that our moms played bingo together and when I lived in Los Angeles we met and hung out a couple of times. Back then I was Gina Wolf.
Many of their friends enjoy It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, so now they’re all crazed with excitement that we’ve met. 😊
Hi Gina! Wow! Great to hear from you. I remember you! Can’t believe so much time has gone by. Yes, our mom’s did play bingo together. I brought her down to stay with me down in LA over her last 5 years to care for her full time. We lost her in 2017. If you’re on facebook, send me a friend request, and I’ll try to find you. Wonderful to hear from you! Stay in touch! Greg
Had to look you up Greg – my dad (R Sprague) has talked about you several times over the past few years. I recognized your pictures and of course have seen some of the movies mentioned. Now I can tell people I am related to an actor! Wish you more success. Cheryl
Hi Greg, just a follow-up note to say my dad (Richard S) had a bad fall a month ago and is still in hospital setting. I’m sure he’d love to hear from you. Your 2nd cousin Cheryl
Oh no Cheryl, I’m so sorry to hear this. Sorry for the delay in replying. Yes, I spoke to your dad after I saw this message some time ago. Thanks again for the heads up Cuz. That fall was scary! Greg
I have thoroughly enjoyed your appearances on It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. The very intimidating feel of the character, combined with your great comedic timing fits that show very well! I sincerely hope, that Luther will return in more episodes – they are all among the best – and your acting is a big part of that. Especially the chemistry between you and Rob McElhenney works very well.
I have now started watching Bosch, which is a great show also, but I would likely never have started watching it, were it not for you.
I know very little about the movie industry and how people get roles, but I really think you should try to go for more comedic roles. Your timing and subtle delivery is very well suited for that!
Since you used to punt for the chargers were you disappointed when they moved to LA and did you know Rolf Benirschke arguably one of the best kickers in the game
Hi Mark, I tore my thigh muscle on my right punting leg a week before camp – and about halfway through camp with the Chargers they released me. I kind of blew my window – I shouldn’t have held out the year before and not gone to camp with Green Bay – I found out later that I was on their chart as their #1 punter in the country – and my damn agent Lee Steinberg – convinced me to hold out – I shouldn’t have listened to him. And yes, Chargers are a San Diego team- the people in San Diego really supported that team for a lot of years – I was not happy with their move to L.A. Also feel the same way about one of my two favorite teams growing up in the Bay area of northern CA – the Raiders are leaving Oakland – and not so happy about that either. But yes – I was with San Diego in camp – in 1980 – the year after Rolf Benirschke fought off cancer. (We both had the same agent I found out later) Rolf was just a SUPER guy in every way – he WAS a great kicker – and boy he was loved by his teammates. He fought a real battle to beat that cancer – and came all the way back – everyone was pulling for him. Loved watching him after I left -and rooted for him big time – really really wonderful guy. And yes, in those days- he was one of – if not the top placekicker back then. Great competitor. Lost touch with him after I left the team – but spent a decent amount of time with him kicking in the off season before camp as well. Nice to meet you Mark! Stay in touch! All the best, Greg
Hey Greg – Long time no chat. I apologize for my unannounced absence, but we got sidetracked a few years back and went through some pretty drastic life-changes. We’re now retired in Arizona and doing pretty well. The wife doesn’t really like the desert, but admits that it has been good for her health. We drive through Southern California a couple of times per year to visit family near Fresno. Maybe one of these days we can do what we talked about in 2015 and get together for lunch. We can reminisce about old times on the diamond, which is all we really knew about each other back then anyway. (Maybe it’s good that we didn’t know about each other’s evil side!) I see that you’re still pretty busy acting. Congratulations and keep up the good work. Regards – Bill Glenn
Hey Bill, good to hear from you. I hope the life changes weren’t health related. Where in Arizona have you moved to. I really like some areas out there, the ones at higher altitude, Phoenix is way too hot though. It’s be good to see you. Touch base the next time you plan on making a trip. I”ll send you an email with my private email address. Health and happiness, Greg
My husband and I are huge fans of your work! We always look forward to seeing you in scenes in Bosch and Sunny! You are ridiculously talented and probably the coolest actor in the business. Best wishes to you in your current and future endeavors!
Well, thank you so much Kacie and husband! That’s so very kind of you to say. Stay in touch (sorry it took so long to respond) Health and happiness always, Greg 🙂
Hello Greg!
I messaged you a while back because my wife and I are the biggest Luther “Mac’s Dad” fans on the planet! It was a thrill to actually have you respond! You mentioned your new role on Bosch so I checked it out and Detective Moore is a great character, quite different than Luther! Also we had a pleasant suprise while watching old episodes of Step By Step and guess who guest starred!! Here’s my question….how can a big fan from Michigan that will never have a chance to “bump” into you some day get an autographed Luther picture? It would be the ultimate suprise Christmas gift for my wife. Do you have a fan site to purchase anything like that?
If not, it’s all good and we will keep following you as long as you keep putting out these great characters.
Hi Ryan, love your enthusiasm!!!! Ya, I’ve got stuff rerunning on old shows for about 33 years now. Never know what’s going to pop up!
Yes, let’s do a Christmas gift for you wife. Send me a self addressed stamped 9 x 12 envelope (folded inside another envelope) and I’ll sign a headshot and send it back to you. Tell me who you want it written to and if you’d like me to say something in particular – or whether I should just come up with something. My mailing address is 12021 Wilshire Blvd. #645, Los Angeles, CA 90025, and I’ll get that back to you right away – definitely before Christmas! It’ll be one of my headshots that kind of looks like Luther without the tats – but I can write a message AS Luther! And I have another small one I post on facebook periodically that I can send along with it – so you have me in full makeup and wardrobe and the tats. Have a great Christmas!!!!! Greg!
Thanks for the support buddy. I really do appreciate it.
My name is Mark Tomsic and I am a HUGE fan of yours on “It’s always sunny in Philadelphia.” Your performance as Mac’s father, Luther, hilarious. My favorite episode you were in was “Mac and Charlie die.” Your never blinking stare, ice cold demeanor cracks me up! XD I find it hilarious how your character is trying to get away from these narcissists but seem to find yourself tangled in their drama. I really enjoyed this season’s finale “Mac finds his pride” as the interruptive dance was beautiful but it didn’t surprise me Mac’s father was disapproving. Thank you for the laughs as this is one of my all time favorite shows. Whenever i’m feeling down, I can pop an episode on and it puts me in a way better mood! I wanted to ask if I may request an autographed photo of you. Thank you for your time and wish you happy holidays!
Hi Mark, thanks for the compliments!! This last show was definitely a fun one to do -but had some really touching stuff at the end. I begged them to let me give in and accept Mac – but they said – I had to not approve to make it work.
Ya, send me a self addressed stamped 9 x 12 envelope (folded inside another envelope is fine) and I’ll sign a headshot and send it back to you. Tell me if you’d like me to say something in particular – or whether I should just come up with something. My mailing address is 12021 Wilshire Blvd. #645, Los Angeles, CA 90025, and I’ll get that back to you right away.
Hi Greg! It’s Felice (and Joe). Great meeting you today at Costco! Would love for you to come out to one of my live shows sometime. And we can’t wait to see you in the new season or Always Sunny! You’re not such a bad guy in real life. ?
Hi Felice (and Joe), I enjoyed meeting you two as well! I’d love to come to one of your live shows if I have the time. Look me up on facebook so you can get the info to me, or, send me an email off this website – and I’ll then give you my private email. The email off this website is but I only check once every week or two – this site gets LOTS of spam. All the best, Greg
I wish to extend my congratulations and support to my friend Greg Cummins, one of the most amazing people I’ve ever known. Growing up with him as I did, and seeing the struggles he went through in life, and to go on and make a success of himself in the film and entertainment industry, is indeed a rare accomplishment worthy of a novel. This Marine vet gives him one great big warm fuzzy!
I was so glad that we finally got to meet. Enjoyed talking with you & catching up with family news. Not many more left in the family these days. Was so glad that my wife Cecilia found you on the internet. We need to keep in touch.
I feel exactly the same way Richard. I am still so excited to find a cousin/relation on my grandma/dad’s side of the family after all these years. We have the same blood running through our veins, and I think that’s a really big deal. If my work or even a trip takes me out anywhere near Kansas City, I’m going to take a detour, and try to do a layover, get a hotel and I’d love to meet you and Cecilia in person.
I am also grateful Richard, that Cecilia found me on the internet. And yes, time is moving on. That’s another reason why it is so special that we connected.
Mac’s dad is one of my favorite characters of all time! I wish he was my dad. When will you be back on Always Sunny? Are there anymore comedic roles in your future?
Thanks Ryan! Ya, Luther is such a sweet guy isn’t he. Such a good dad!Season 12 was supposed to be ‘Sunny’s” last season, but they picked up two more seasons so I hope they bring me back for a couple episodes. I’m always open to more comedic roles. I don’t know if you get amazon prime – but the series Bosch – (they just released season 3) has me playing a likable and sometimes funny role – more realistic of course – the show is a drama – but I’ve been a recurring role on that show for the first three seasons. But you’d have to subscribe to Amazon Prime. I never know what’s coming up in the future. Thanks so much for you support! Take care Ryan, Greg
I have a question. I would like to hire a ghost writer for a script . I have some awesome genres that I would love to combine but I don’t have the experience or know how to pull it off. Do you know anybody that I could hire?
Mark. MHS class of 1986
Living in mercer island WA
Hi Mark! A fellow Matador! Good to meet you. Anyone I know who has a lot of experience is not going to be cheap or want to work on spec. What I would recommend is finding a young screenwriter who may have studied screenwriting in school – like a local Junior college who has actually learned some basic screenwriting principles and who would be willing to write something for either a smaller amount of money, or maybe you would want to give them a co-writer credit and they would be willing to work on it for free (on spec) – hoping that something big might happen down the line with it. The screenwriters I know are paid to write scripts professionally and they make pretty darn good money for it. It sounds like you might have some great ideas but not the experience in putting a script together. There are a couple of people I know who used to write scripts after taking classes in college – but none of their scripts ended up getting picked up by anybody – which is not unusual. It’s very hard to get a script optioned by someone and actually to get a movie made out of it. They are older now and I don’t know if they would have time at this point – but I could check with one or two of them to see if they would be interested. Send me an emai to talk about this further – the email off this website is Greg
Hi Gregory, I am happy I came across this website and see you interacting with fans, I was trying to find a way to contact you for some time. It may sound like a unlikely story but I am a 21 year old from Canada who spent all of last year and then some living in Los Angeles, over that time things were very rough, however I made friends and carried on, one of those friends was your brother Dave, whom I spent a few months hanging out with, I don’t know how close you are with him but he told me about your successes and it amazed me at what a small world it really is. If you read this I just want to send my best wishes and hope he is doing great, he really helped me out more than I can explain and is one of the strongest people I ever met, if you talk to him tell him Theo says hi, and that he’s doing well. Thanks!
Hi Theo, sorry for the delay in responding. Been a little busy lately and haven’t checked up on my website for a bit. Yes, Dave and I stay in touch. He’s doing a bit better now and is back on track again. I will definitely touch base with him and relay your message. He doesn’t have his own email now – but he might have access to one. I’ll pass on your email and if he is able to use one – he might touch base. I also have a facebook page, but this is often the best way to get a message to me. You can always click on the “contact Greg” on the website and it will send me an email as well. Health and happiness to you Theo! Greg
Loved browsing your website. Wanted to say,”Hi”, and Thanks for the Algebra lessons! Will certainly be checking out the roles you have played. I must say however, have so enjoyed meeting, “The Real Person”, if only on The Facebook! You have enlightened my life!!!! Wishing All The Best, for your 2nd Season with Bosch!!! 🙂
Hi I have just seen you in Bosch and you blew me away with your performance .
You are totally scary but also hilarious in Always Sunny as well .
I recognise you from some great 80s and 90s films of course .
Truly love seeing you on screen .You don’t get enough exposure in my mind so get your agent on it !!
Hi Steven, thanks so much for your kind words. I really appreciate it. Love being a part of Bosch. And working with those guys on “Sunny” is just so much fun. I should hire you as my publicist! 🙂 Thanks again!
With all due respect, I had no idea that you’re a very successful actor…until today, that is. I simply don’t follow movies and television anymore, so it’s nothing personal. (Though I unknowingly saw you in “Purgatory” many years ago.) Today I was researching some old sports associates–yourself included–and what a pleasant surprise! Oh, who is this clown, you wonder? I went to Acalanes and played first base on the Orinda Legion squad. I defected from the Lafayette team to get more playing time, and it was one of the most enjoyable summers of my youth. I know you were a great punter, but you also had flypaper for hands and a pretty good stick as well. Congrats on your success! Take care.
Bill! Oh my God! I remember you VERY well! Ya, by our junior “73 and senior years ’74, our Orinda Legion squad couldn’t compete with Lafayette’s team back then. But we sure DID have a lot of fun! Some of the best memories of my childhood was playing baseball, Bronco, Pony, Colt, Legion, and for Miramonte’s teams. Should have never given it up in college – I’m an idiot – loved the game immensely. I recall you rarely had a ball get by you – either over your head or on the ground at first base. Great memories. I’m so glad you touched base How the heck are you? I’ll send you a private message. Damn, great to hear from you! Greg
Hey Greg – Thanks for the response. I’ll give you a quick rundown on my relatively boring life through the private messaging. Yeah, we always fell short against Lafayette, but in ’73 we were a pretty solid squad. One of the summer’s major highlights was when Graumann threw a gem against El Cerrito and snapped their win streak. I think they were the defending state Legion champs, a pretty major achievement in California. It was indeed a fun summer, and I think it was the best season I ever had with the bat. And yes, you would have been a very solid college baseball player…but going to classes and playing two sports would have been a pretty tough role to play (pun intended!). Great to hear back from you. – Bill
Mr. Cummins,
I am so happy that your character Luther was back on Sunny! I think they need to have you on the show more, and even a spinoff! Anyway, thanks for the laughs, and remember to blink! 🙂
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Yes we are niner fans living in WA.It can be intimidating .Once walking to a hawks niner game in seattle we were confronted by a latte drinking software engineer at Starbucks. He asked us for our email so he can hack our account ha ha.I still admire the raiders of the seventies because they had so many colorful characters on the team.Hendricks aka the stork lived in orinda and I grew up with his kids.I wasnt a athlete at MHS except for the occasional 100 yard dash running from the deans from the backfield to the creek off Moraga way. Ha ha.I was into motorcycles dirt and street growing up and still am to this day.I sometimes ride from WA to the Bay Area round trip when I visit my parents on Miner Rd.As far as football is concerned my son is obsessed with the game but he is small for his age so I tell him if he wants to play he’s going to have to be a tough little guy.So I show him players that are small in the NFL and boxing clips of Manny Pacquio so he can get inspired.ill be looking for your different characters .Your artistic creativity and facial expressions are awesome. My wife and I are fans of your work
Thanks again and can’t wait to see Luther on always sunny
Thanks Mark, I appreciate your comments. Jim Otto also lived in Orinda, as well as a few other Raiders over the years. My mom was a big realtor there at the time. Go NINERS (and Raiders) – this year is our year to unseat the Seahawks finally! The episode I’m on this coming season will be the season finale. Take care fellow Orindan!
Hi Gregory
I looked at your athletic bio.Im impressed. MHS had quite the FB team back then.Back to Back turkey bowls .You guys looked pretty tough with the long hair.My son is playing his 2nd season pop Warner FB up in mercer island WA.Mercer Island is just like orinda meaning the other towns are out to get us so last season i showed him clips of the oakland raider defense in the seventies and told him to play like them . This season I’m going to show him a picture of Darnell Nickens from hunter and tell him to look like that when he’s playing defense. Ha Ha
Hi Mark, Haha – that’s funny! Ya – my senior year we went the Turkey bowl and even though we were a smaller school – they didn’t have divisions then – and we ended up winning and ranked #1 team in the whole east bay area. We finished with only 27 players – and beat an Antioch team that had at least 85 players. Mercer Island – nice- pretty up there. Ya- the early 70’s raiders D was unbelievable! Heck – both sides of the ball – they were feared! I was a baseball player first – didn’t like hitting people or getting hit until my high school senior year – was all skin and bones before that. Are you still a Raider and/or 49er fan – or have you gotten behind the Seahawks. I’m Bay Area sports teams fan for life!
Just wanted to say that the It’s Always Sunny episodes that feature you are memorable. You bring an intensity to the screen that is authentic and down right palpable.
I just read an interesting interview with you at:
I hope that you’ve found some more steady jobs since then. Your stage presence is worthy of attention!
Have you considered creating a Wikipedia article about yourself?
Hope all is going well for you. Many blessings.
Thank you so much Deanna. Your comments are very kind. Speaking of “Sunny in Philadelphia” I’ll be working on the this season’s season finale espisode – don’t know what they wrote in for my character (Luther), but I always look forward to working with these guys. They are so much fun I’d work with them for free. (Don’t tell them I said that! I still need to make a living! haha) But seriously, it’s not work when I’m with these guys, it’s just a lot of fun. And I’m excited about a new web series made by Amazon Prime called “Bosch”. I’ll have a recurring character on that as well – they just picked up 10 episodes to shoot for it’s first season. Thanks for touching base and stay in touch. Again, I appreciate greatly your support and kind comments.
I friggin’ love Luther on It’s Always Sunny! How do you manage to go so long without blinking though? You’r eyes just seem to pop out of your face, it’s really intense! Hope you get some “bigger” film or tv work soon, cause you really are a good actor! Best wishes from Sweden.
Hi Chris, thanks so much. That’s very kind of you. I appreciate your support! Looks like “Sunny” will have my character back this season for at least another episode. Have some other irons in the fire too. I’d love to visit Sweden someday – I love the people! You take care, Greg
I just saw you on Amazon’s pilot episode of “Bosch”. I am so excited! It is great to see you on another show! And you look so handsome, as usual.
I hope to see more of your character, Detective Moore. I wish you the very best.
You are so cool on It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia! I live in Japan and my IASIP DVDs have gotten me through many tough times. The episodes with Luther are at the top of my favorites. I hope to see you again on the show in the future. Have a Kick Ass 2014!
Thanks so much Charley. Working on that show has been a HUGE amount of fun. Those guys are just super in every way. I hope they write me in for some more episodes in the future too! You take care!
I just saw your Verizon commercial during the game today, so I had to check if in fact it was you with the ferret! Looking forward to new series too. Merry Christmas to you too!
Dear Mr. Cummins, I absolutely love your charector Luther on Its always sunny. My daughter introduced me to the show last year, and we stream it on netflix all the time, when we want to laugh. The episodes you appear in our some of our favorites. Sometimes we have to watch them all in a row. You always have such great timing and intensity. Were not sure how you are able to keep such a straight face amoungst all the silliness, but its great. Now, that we are fans we’ll be looking out for your future roles for sure. Health and happiness, Evonne
Thank you Evonne. I really appreciate the kind words. Being on that show has been a LOT of fun for me. Those guys are hilarious to work with and really nice too. And most of the time, it’s almost impossible to keep a straight face! Stay in touch, and thanks again! Greg
Your first role that I can recall. The year is 1970, the place, Inland Valley Intermediate, ( As it was known then.), you played the role of the station agent in a play entitled “Mystery at the Depot.”
You had a gray walrus moustache and a mop wig. Your first line- “Land ‘o Goshen!”
From such little acorns do mighty oaks do grow.
Oh my God John! How can you remember that!? I don’t even remember that! I remember playing Scrooge but don’t remember “Mystery at the Depot”! Wow. Land-o-goshen!
Hi Greg,
So great seeing you at the reunion! Even though our hotel rooms were next to each other (with Betsy in between) I didn’t get a chance to chat much. But, you took some amazing pictures! Can’t wait for the next reunion!!
xoxo Paige
Hi Paige! I just had so much to do outside the reunion, I couldn’t hang with you guys around the hotel. That WAS a lot of fun. Can’t wait for next time. It was so wonderful seeing you!
Hello Mr. Cummings. I really enjoy your character on It’s Always Sunny. Sunny marathons are frequent in this house, and you are so enjoyable to watch! I hope we’ll get to see Luther again before the series ends. I’m curious, did you audition for that role, or did they reach out to you? I can’t think of a more perfect way to portray Mac’s dad, and your chemistry with Rob McElhenney makes dysfunction look adorable. Very well done, my friend. Take care.
Hi Carolyn, What a nice compliment, thank you! I hope we’ll get to see Luther again in more episodes too! I actually auditioned for the role. It was just a one episode character initially, but then they created more story lines for Luther in successive seasons, which was really nice. Those guys are really nice to work for, and hilarious. And yes, Rob is great to work with, very very talented. Thanks again for the kind compliments! Stay in touch, Greg
Sir Gregory Scott Cummins,
Nataliya has not seen you in a while. We hope all as well with you. Very appealing website, and impressive list of work.
With best wishes in your career and future accomplishments, your friends.
Lee & Nataliya
The Amazing Lee and Nataliya! I miss you guys. So good to hear from you. Hope to see you guys soon! Thanks for the compliment on the website. I have new headshots coming up from two photos sessions over the last month.
Hey Greg, we talked today…Thank you for your condolences, hopefully we will live near each other! It may be difficult because of my incredible beauty…and your only wishes to look better than me.. Love ya buddy. Talk to you soon!
Jeremy! You’re getting so funny in your OLD AGE! You may be the best looking person in Oxnard. But I’ll be the best looking person in Camarillo! (And Oxnard) You guys be well and take care. Hope to see ya soon my friend!
I love your character, Luther, on Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Will you appear in any upcoming films or television shows? After seeing you on “Sunny”, I will watch some of the films and tv episodes that you acted in previously so that I can look for you!
Hi Brittany, thank you. I have loved every minute of working with everybody on “Sunny in Philly”. I always have a lot of shows that rerun but I never know when they will air in advance. I’ll make a post to let everybody know when anything new will air. Thanks for your support! Health and happiness! Greg
Hey Greg, this is Renee from back in the day when you were with Webb. How are you, hope you doing well 🙂
Rene!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How the heck are you??????????????????Is that you email you left – I’ll send you an email so we can exhange contact info! Wonderful to hear from you!!!!!
I recently finished Bosch and I just wanted to express my deepest respect for all your work, effort and dedication over all the years.
And: Happy Birthday! Have a great day.
Sending best wishes,
Thanks so much Petra, I really appreacieate it! All the best, Greg
Hi Greg or do you prefer Gregory?
I just wanted to say I have been blown away by your range. Bosch has become something of a comfort watch for my family since my father had a stroke but I don’t think any of us would have said that you played Luther in Its Always Sunny and a range of others I’ve now seen popping up. Thank you for your amazing performances and as a fan I really appreciate being able to tell you that you have had a real positive impact on not just myself but my family watching you.
All the best in the future
Hi Ted, I’m so sorry your dad had a stroke. I hope he’s coming back well from it. Your message touched me deeply. I truly appreciate your support and want to thank you for your kind words. Health and happiness to you and your family always, Greg (Cummins)
I’m so glad I found this site. I’m a big fan and learned so much I didn’t know. Had no idea you were a Cal Bear before acting. My buddy and I do a movie podcast and you’re one of the guys we talk about as one of our Show Legends. We did episodes on Action USA and Blood Games, it’s only a matter of time before we do Hack-O-Lantern, and we just recently got to talk about you some more as we wondered why you didn’t get more than your one great scene in Batman Returns. I’m leaving the links to the Blood Games and Action USA, in case you’re interested.
Action USA:
Blood Games:
Wow Eric, I’m impressed! Never thought some of those early films I did would ever still be around! Thanks for the support! Greg (Cummins)
Hey Gregory, I hope you’re doing well. I was searching up your work after rewatching It’s Always Sunny. My roommates caught your cameo in Buffy the Vampire Slayer too! I gotta ask, how much of that steely demeanor from Luther’s character is based on you. Obviously you’re a jovial guy, but I’ve always imagined that tough guy characters like that have a bit of an actor’s true “worst case” personality in them. If he’s nothing like you on your worst days, how do you get into the headspace to portray such a character.
Hi Ajay, Good question! Well, through many years of acting training, we are taught to explore ALL emotions and train to where we can play any possible role. Human beings are capable of so many things. The way I am in real life, my behavior, my actions, and my personality, is a choice. But, we all have dark sides that can come out if we want them too. The key for an actior – is being able to explore all the sides of ourselves – and learn to have control over them. Good question! Greg
Hello, Greg!!! I really like your acting work.
I have almost all your films and tv shows.
You often plays heavies, but I remember your heroic roles in Dead end city, Action USA and Click. Thanks for your work.
Wow Alex! I’m flattered you’ve seen so many things I’ve been in. Those movies you mentioned we some of the very earlist films I ever did – and they were VERY low budget films! Appreciate you! Greg
Hi Gregory ,
My name is Maurice Shortall and I run the Cheap Heat Productions Podcast in Dublin Ireland .
I’m writing to you today to see if it was possible to have you on the show some time .
Since our formation in November 2019 we have featured some of the biggest stars in the world of entertainment with the following brands represented
Tommy Chong (Cheech and Chong )
Chris Hansen (Dateline NBC)
Chumlee (Pawn Stars )
Paul Michael Glaser (Starsky and Hutch )
Judge Judy (Byrd)
Carole Baskin (Tiger King )
As well as some pro wrestlers like Ahmed, Johnson , Al Snow , The Godfather, Bill DeMott , Doug Basham and Sabu .
I would love to get you on to talk about your career in the tv/movie industry and about how you got into the business . As a pop culture podcast I’d like to talk about your journey and some highlights from your extensive career .
The shows are 30 mins video uploaded to YouTube . We have gained 1.1million Views in just under 3 years and You would be an amazing addition .
Hope to hear from you
Hi Maurice, I’ll check my emails and contact you. I’d be happy to do your podcast. Greg
My friend Pamela Center…may have went to high school with you in Orinda. Love your work in Bosch. Great show. You’ve paid your dues.
Hi Linden, Thanks! And yes, Pamela and I were in high school together!!! Go Matadors!!!!!
Hey Greg, I originally became acquainted with you from Always Sunny, but really enjoyed some of your older movies, especially Action USA, which we watched at a recent movie night. It’s a criminally underrated movie. Good luck in your endeavors.
Thanks W.P.! Appreciate the kind words! All the best, Greg
Hi..this is Handlebar Henry. Just stopped by for a short visit. I’ll check all of this out later. It’s amazing how many parts you’ve played over the years!!!
Thanks old friend, Hope all is well! Greg
Hello Mr. Cummins,
I’m watching all seasons of Bosch again and you are just such a pleasure to watch. I so love the humor, kindness and sincerity of your character on screen which I am sure is not simply a result of good writing but is truly your warm and caring personality shining through. Your performance is so smooth, natural and flawless. I look forward to seeing more of your brilliant acting. I hope that you are doing well and wish you the very best in all of your endeavors.
Warmest regards,
Brittany from Pittsburgh
Awww – thanks so much Brittany! That’s so very kind of you. You just made my day! All the best to you Brittany, and don’t be a stranger! Greg
Glad to see you on BOSCH: LEGACY. You and Troy deserve your own spinoff!
Thanks Michael! Aprreciate the suppport! Greg
I’m really glad I found your website. I became a fan from it’s always sunny in Philadelphia and then started trying to watch everything else Ive found that you’ve been in. Two quick questions. Would you ever go on the it’s always sunny podcast? I was also wondering how I could get an autographed picture from you. I am a huge fan and it would be awesome to have that framed in my house. Thank you brother!
Appreciate it Vito!!! Thanks for the support! Send me a private message – and I’ll give you my mailing address and tell you how I can get a signed picture to you oh – I see your email – I’ll send you an email and I’ll get you that signed pi! Oh of course I’d do a Sunny podcast. I’ve done podcast where we talked about Sunny. But – I’ve never got contacted by the guys to do the official one yet – off their website. All the best, Greg
Greg, Just want to thank you for the wonderful autographed photo of you and the Bosch cast.
Thx for your efforts in getting it signed.
Please thank Troy for me. He was available to sign it. This will definitely be up on my office wall at home.
All the best,
Robert Banuelos
Your welcome Robert! Sorry it took so long!!!! Really appreciate the support! All the best, Greg
How was it working with the people on charmed how did you come about that role? I was watching and I was like wait just a second thats macs dad haha!
Hi Jordon, well, I auditioned with the director of the episode Anson Williams (from Happy Days fame). He was wonderful, and gave me the part. Everyone on the show was great! It was a lot of fun. Anson and the cast were extremely nice.
All the best! Greg
Hello Mr. Cummins,
I just wanted to say hello and that it was great to see you on Bosch: Legacy. I began the season worried that you may not appear but was so pleasantly surprised to finally see you again on episode 4. I hope all is and has been well with you. Hopefully, I and all of your fans will see more of you soon.
Warmest regards,
Brittany Manuel
Thank you so much Brittany! We got word that Crate and Barrel will be in season 2 of Bosch Legacy. Don’t know how many episodes yet, but we feel fortunate that they are having us back. Thanks again for the support. Greg 🙂
Absolutely love you on Always Sunny! Those eyes!!!!
Thanks Alanna! All the best to you, Greg
We are watching Action USA and it RULES and you are a babe. Cheers!
Haha!!! Well thank you Lindsay! Cheers!
Hi Greg, it was a great surprise to see you on Bosch Legacy last night. Hope it’s a recurring part.
Hi Rick! Just heard they arae going to have us back for season 2 of Bosch Legacy. Not sure how many episodes, but we shall see. All the best, Greg 🙂
Action USA kicks ass!
Thanks Alex!!!!
Just finished reading your feature article in the Lamorinda weekly that my mother sent me. The article brought back fond memories. I hope you’re doing well.
DON!!!!!! Great to hear from you!!! Thanks old friend!!!! All well here. We should connect up again, it’s been too long!!!! Greg
From an old High School classmate.
In such a competitive environment as the motion picture industry, for you to have lasted as long in the business as you have, is in my mind nothing short of amazing. No one survives this long in Hollywood unless they have genuine talent, which you indeed possess, but also if they have very finely tuned survival skills. As a Marine vet, I do know a lot about how one survives adversity, and in so many ways both you and I learned the same lessons.
As they say Down Under in Australia, its a Bloody Miracle.
Thanks John!!!
Have really enjoyed the various shows in which you’ve been on
I live in Lafayette and would love to interview you for the Lamorinda Weekly
Stay well
Jon Kingdon
Hi Jon, Thanks for the kind words. I’ll send you a message so you can contact me directly. Greg
Hi Greg,
I can’t believe we’ve known each other 35 years.
I just finished watching your interview with Sequels Only Podcast on YouTube.
What a great interview!
Boy! That brought back some memories. Although I have to say that I felt a little slighted that my name wasn’t mentioned as one of the girlfriends that was nice and good to you.
LOL. 🥰
You will always be my sweetheart!
Love You,
Candy!!! How are you??? I sent you a birthday card and it got returned! I’ve been worried. Tried to contact you many times on your cell, and I haven’t heard back. Please contact me and let me know how you are doing!!!!! I’ve been worried!!!!! xoxo, Greg
My name is JON Kingdon and I live in Lafayette and write for the Lamorinda Weekly and I’ve been really enjoying your work on Bosch, in particular
Besides our both living and having lived in Lamorinda, I also have a football background having worked for the Oakland/L.A./Oakland Raiders for 33 years from 1978 to 2012, the last 20 as the Director of College Scouting. I co-authored a book called Al Davis. Behind the Raiders Shield and if you would be interested , I would be happy to send you a copy of the book.
If you would be amenable, I would love to write a story about you and your career for the paper.
Best wishes for continued success
Hi Jon, Wow – you have quite a resume! I sent you an email on how to contact me directly. Sorry for the time it took me to get back to you. I think we know a lot of the same people involved with the sports. I’d LOVE to read your book as well! Looking forward to it. Greg
Bravo! What a fun show. Watched it straight through.
Thanks so much Lynn!! Greg
Hi Gregory!
I hope you’re doing well and staying safe! It’s not quite Halloween yet BUT I have to say… your movie Hack-o-lantern is one of mine and my friends all time favorite movies to watch around Halloween. We quote you and grandpa year round and honestly it would be such a pleasure to meet you one day! Would there be any possible way myself and my friend would be able to send you our copy(s) of the hack-o-lantern Blu-ray to sign? I’m so sorry if that’s too forward and it’s totally ok if you don’t do that sort of thing but it would absolutely make our day. Anyway, either which way we appreciate you! Thank you so much and take care!
– Tim & Travis
Hi Tim & Travis, sure guys, I’ll send you an email, happy to sign them. All the best, Greg
Hi Gregory (but will from henceforth will be “Crate” to me).
Wanted to send my gratitude for your acting and express how much I have enjoyed watching your character on “Bosch.”
(Forgive me for sounding like a star struck fan) but if there is any way/process for me to request an autograph, please let me know. Both my daughter and I would truly be grateful.
In any event, all the best and stay safe & healthy!!
– Venice
Hi Venice, thanks so much for your kind words, I truly appreciate it. I’ll send you my mailing address privately to your email and send you out a signed headshot that looks like Crate from Bosch. All the best, Greg 🙂
Hi Gregory,
We are big fans of your work and would love to have you on our podcast. Would you be interested?
Hi Casey – yes – I sent you my personal email address – give me your general schedule and I’ll work it in with my schedule. Greg
Good morning. During Covid I’ve been finding shows to watch on television. Two days ago I completed all 12 seasons of NYPD Blue and I needed something new. Someone told me about the series Bosch. Last night I asked my daughter to look it up to get me the overview and she asked if I want to hear who was in the cast. I said “sure” and then she listed everybody off we came across your name. I told her that we met back in the 90s. She of course didn’t believe me. When she saw you’re from Orinda, she gave it some consideration. I told my kids that our moms played bingo together and when I lived in Los Angeles we met and hung out a couple of times. Back then I was Gina Wolf.
Many of their friends enjoy It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, so now they’re all crazed with excitement that we’ve met. 😊
I hope you’re well. Congrats on the career.
Hi Gina! Wow! Great to hear from you. I remember you! Can’t believe so much time has gone by. Yes, our mom’s did play bingo together. I brought her down to stay with me down in LA over her last 5 years to care for her full time. We lost her in 2017. If you’re on facebook, send me a friend request, and I’ll try to find you. Wonderful to hear from you! Stay in touch! Greg
Truly enjoyed you performance in the Bosch episodes!
Thanks Jim, that’s very kind of you to say. All the best to you, Greg 🙂
Had to look you up Greg – my dad (R Sprague) has talked about you several times over the past few years. I recognized your pictures and of course have seen some of the movies mentioned. Now I can tell people I am related to an actor! Wish you more success. Cheryl
Hi Cheryl, so cool, that makes us 2nd cousins, because your dad was a first cousin of my dad. You take care now, and don’t be a stranger! Greg
Hi Greg, just a follow-up note to say my dad (Richard S) had a bad fall a month ago and is still in hospital setting. I’m sure he’d love to hear from you. Your 2nd cousin Cheryl
Oh no Cheryl, I’m so sorry to hear this. Sorry for the delay in replying. Yes, I spoke to your dad after I saw this message some time ago. Thanks again for the heads up Cuz. That fall was scary! Greg
Dear Gregory,
I have thoroughly enjoyed your appearances on It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. The very intimidating feel of the character, combined with your great comedic timing fits that show very well! I sincerely hope, that Luther will return in more episodes – they are all among the best – and your acting is a big part of that. Especially the chemistry between you and Rob McElhenney works very well.
I have now started watching Bosch, which is a great show also, but I would likely never have started watching it, were it not for you.
I know very little about the movie industry and how people get roles, but I really think you should try to go for more comedic roles. Your timing and subtle delivery is very well suited for that!
All good wishes!
Thanks Martin, I really appreciate it. Stay safe, Greg
Happy Holidays to you and your family!
Thank you Brittany!!!
Hi Gregory
Since you used to punt for the chargers were you disappointed when they moved to LA and did you know Rolf Benirschke arguably one of the best kickers in the game
Warm regards
Mercer Island WA
MHS class of 1986
Hi Mark, I tore my thigh muscle on my right punting leg a week before camp – and about halfway through camp with the Chargers they released me. I kind of blew my window – I shouldn’t have held out the year before and not gone to camp with Green Bay – I found out later that I was on their chart as their #1 punter in the country – and my damn agent Lee Steinberg – convinced me to hold out – I shouldn’t have listened to him. And yes, Chargers are a San Diego team- the people in San Diego really supported that team for a lot of years – I was not happy with their move to L.A. Also feel the same way about one of my two favorite teams growing up in the Bay area of northern CA – the Raiders are leaving Oakland – and not so happy about that either. But yes – I was with San Diego in camp – in 1980 – the year after Rolf Benirschke fought off cancer. (We both had the same agent I found out later) Rolf was just a SUPER guy in every way – he WAS a great kicker – and boy he was loved by his teammates. He fought a real battle to beat that cancer – and came all the way back – everyone was pulling for him. Loved watching him after I left -and rooted for him big time – really really wonderful guy. And yes, in those days- he was one of – if not the top placekicker back then. Great competitor. Lost touch with him after I left the team – but spent a decent amount of time with him kicking in the off season before camp as well. Nice to meet you Mark! Stay in touch! All the best, Greg
Hey Greg! Nice website 🙂
Thanks David!!!!
Hey Greg – Long time no chat. I apologize for my unannounced absence, but we got sidetracked a few years back and went through some pretty drastic life-changes. We’re now retired in Arizona and doing pretty well. The wife doesn’t really like the desert, but admits that it has been good for her health. We drive through Southern California a couple of times per year to visit family near Fresno. Maybe one of these days we can do what we talked about in 2015 and get together for lunch. We can reminisce about old times on the diamond, which is all we really knew about each other back then anyway. (Maybe it’s good that we didn’t know about each other’s evil side!) I see that you’re still pretty busy acting. Congratulations and keep up the good work. Regards – Bill Glenn
Hey Bill, good to hear from you. I hope the life changes weren’t health related. Where in Arizona have you moved to. I really like some areas out there, the ones at higher altitude, Phoenix is way too hot though. It’s be good to see you. Touch base the next time you plan on making a trip. I”ll send you an email with my private email address. Health and happiness, Greg
My husband and I are huge fans of your work! We always look forward to seeing you in scenes in Bosch and Sunny! You are ridiculously talented and probably the coolest actor in the business. Best wishes to you in your current and future endeavors!
Well, thank you so much Kacie and husband! That’s so very kind of you to say. Stay in touch (sorry it took so long to respond) Health and happiness always, Greg 🙂
Hello Greg!
I messaged you a while back because my wife and I are the biggest Luther “Mac’s Dad” fans on the planet! It was a thrill to actually have you respond! You mentioned your new role on Bosch so I checked it out and Detective Moore is a great character, quite different than Luther! Also we had a pleasant suprise while watching old episodes of Step By Step and guess who guest starred!! Here’s my question….how can a big fan from Michigan that will never have a chance to “bump” into you some day get an autographed Luther picture? It would be the ultimate suprise Christmas gift for my wife. Do you have a fan site to purchase anything like that?
If not, it’s all good and we will keep following you as long as you keep putting out these great characters.
Thanks for the laughs!
Ryan in Grand Rapids, MI
Hi Ryan, love your enthusiasm!!!! Ya, I’ve got stuff rerunning on old shows for about 33 years now. Never know what’s going to pop up!
Yes, let’s do a Christmas gift for you wife. Send me a self addressed stamped 9 x 12 envelope (folded inside another envelope) and I’ll sign a headshot and send it back to you. Tell me who you want it written to and if you’d like me to say something in particular – or whether I should just come up with something. My mailing address is 12021 Wilshire Blvd. #645, Los Angeles, CA 90025, and I’ll get that back to you right away – definitely before Christmas! It’ll be one of my headshots that kind of looks like Luther without the tats – but I can write a message AS Luther! And I have another small one I post on facebook periodically that I can send along with it – so you have me in full makeup and wardrobe and the tats. Have a great Christmas!!!!! Greg!
Thanks for the support buddy. I really do appreciate it.
Hi Gregory,
My name is Mark Tomsic and I am a HUGE fan of yours on “It’s always sunny in Philadelphia.” Your performance as Mac’s father, Luther, hilarious. My favorite episode you were in was “Mac and Charlie die.” Your never blinking stare, ice cold demeanor cracks me up! XD I find it hilarious how your character is trying to get away from these narcissists but seem to find yourself tangled in their drama. I really enjoyed this season’s finale “Mac finds his pride” as the interruptive dance was beautiful but it didn’t surprise me Mac’s father was disapproving. Thank you for the laughs as this is one of my all time favorite shows. Whenever i’m feeling down, I can pop an episode on and it puts me in a way better mood! I wanted to ask if I may request an autographed photo of you. Thank you for your time and wish you happy holidays!
Your biggest fan from Ohio,
Mark Tomsic
Hi Mark, thanks for the compliments!! This last show was definitely a fun one to do -but had some really touching stuff at the end. I begged them to let me give in and accept Mac – but they said – I had to not approve to make it work.
Ya, send me a self addressed stamped 9 x 12 envelope (folded inside another envelope is fine) and I’ll sign a headshot and send it back to you. Tell me if you’d like me to say something in particular – or whether I should just come up with something. My mailing address is 12021 Wilshire Blvd. #645, Los Angeles, CA 90025, and I’ll get that back to you right away.
Thanks again Mark!!! All the best, Greg
From the old neighbrhood!
Would like to personally thank you for the autographed picture and will frame it near my autograph picture from Yogi Berra
Keep up the great work
Well that’s great company to be near Yogi Berra!!!! All the best Kevin!!! Greg
Hi Greg! It’s Felice (and Joe). Great meeting you today at Costco! Would love for you to come out to one of my live shows sometime. And we can’t wait to see you in the new season or Always Sunny! You’re not such a bad guy in real life. ?
Hi Felice (and Joe), I enjoyed meeting you two as well! I’d love to come to one of your live shows if I have the time. Look me up on facebook so you can get the info to me, or, send me an email off this website – and I’ll then give you my private email. The email off this website is but I only check once every week or two – this site gets LOTS of spam. All the best, Greg
I wish to extend my congratulations and support to my friend Greg Cummins, one of the most amazing people I’ve ever known. Growing up with him as I did, and seeing the struggles he went through in life, and to go on and make a success of himself in the film and entertainment industry, is indeed a rare accomplishment worthy of a novel. This Marine vet gives him one great big warm fuzzy!
Back at you old friend. We’ve been through a lot together over the years. Simper Fi. Greg
I was so glad that we finally got to meet. Enjoyed talking with you & catching up with family news. Not many more left in the family these days. Was so glad that my wife Cecilia found you on the internet. We need to keep in touch.
I feel exactly the same way Richard. I am still so excited to find a cousin/relation on my grandma/dad’s side of the family after all these years. We have the same blood running through our veins, and I think that’s a really big deal. If my work or even a trip takes me out anywhere near Kansas City, I’m going to take a detour, and try to do a layover, get a hotel and I’d love to meet you and Cecilia in person.
I am also grateful Richard, that Cecilia found me on the internet. And yes, time is moving on. That’s another reason why it is so special that we connected.
Are you single? If so would you like to go on a date?
Haha. Well Emily, I am single at this time. But no, thank you though, that’s very kind of you 🙂
Mac’s dad is one of my favorite characters of all time! I wish he was my dad. When will you be back on Always Sunny? Are there anymore comedic roles in your future?
Thanks Ryan! Ya, Luther is such a sweet guy isn’t he. Such a good dad!Season 12 was supposed to be ‘Sunny’s” last season, but they picked up two more seasons so I hope they bring me back for a couple episodes. I’m always open to more comedic roles. I don’t know if you get amazon prime – but the series Bosch – (they just released season 3) has me playing a likable and sometimes funny role – more realistic of course – the show is a drama – but I’ve been a recurring role on that show for the first three seasons. But you’d have to subscribe to Amazon Prime. I never know what’s coming up in the future. Thanks so much for you support! Take care Ryan, Greg
Come to Memphis
I may subscribe.
Yes Valermth! Welcome!
Hey Greg,
Do you have a fanmail address?
Yes I do Justn, my mailing address is 12021 Wilshire Blvd. #645, Los Angeles, CA 90025 Take care now, Greg
Just a big HELLO..
Just a big HELLO back to YOU Wendy! (You have a GREAT last name!)
nice site, well put together…no need to reply
Thank you Gayle!
Hello Gregory
I have a question. I would like to hire a ghost writer for a script . I have some awesome genres that I would love to combine but I don’t have the experience or know how to pull it off. Do you know anybody that I could hire?
Mark. MHS class of 1986
Living in mercer island WA
Hi Mark! A fellow Matador! Good to meet you. Anyone I know who has a lot of experience is not going to be cheap or want to work on spec. What I would recommend is finding a young screenwriter who may have studied screenwriting in school – like a local Junior college who has actually learned some basic screenwriting principles and who would be willing to write something for either a smaller amount of money, or maybe you would want to give them a co-writer credit and they would be willing to work on it for free (on spec) – hoping that something big might happen down the line with it. The screenwriters I know are paid to write scripts professionally and they make pretty darn good money for it. It sounds like you might have some great ideas but not the experience in putting a script together. There are a couple of people I know who used to write scripts after taking classes in college – but none of their scripts ended up getting picked up by anybody – which is not unusual. It’s very hard to get a script optioned by someone and actually to get a movie made out of it. They are older now and I don’t know if they would have time at this point – but I could check with one or two of them to see if they would be interested. Send me an emai to talk about this further – the email off this website is Greg
Hi Gregory, I am happy I came across this website and see you interacting with fans, I was trying to find a way to contact you for some time. It may sound like a unlikely story but I am a 21 year old from Canada who spent all of last year and then some living in Los Angeles, over that time things were very rough, however I made friends and carried on, one of those friends was your brother Dave, whom I spent a few months hanging out with, I don’t know how close you are with him but he told me about your successes and it amazed me at what a small world it really is. If you read this I just want to send my best wishes and hope he is doing great, he really helped me out more than I can explain and is one of the strongest people I ever met, if you talk to him tell him Theo says hi, and that he’s doing well. Thanks!
Hi Theo, sorry for the delay in responding. Been a little busy lately and haven’t checked up on my website for a bit. Yes, Dave and I stay in touch. He’s doing a bit better now and is back on track again. I will definitely touch base with him and relay your message. He doesn’t have his own email now – but he might have access to one. I’ll pass on your email and if he is able to use one – he might touch base. I also have a facebook page, but this is often the best way to get a message to me. You can always click on the “contact Greg” on the website and it will send me an email as well. Health and happiness to you Theo! Greg
Great to see you again on Bosch! And happy belated birthday! Best wishes.
Warmest regards,
Thanks so much Brittany! Health and happiness to you and yours! Greg
Loved browsing your website. Wanted to say,”Hi”, and Thanks for the Algebra lessons! Will certainly be checking out the roles you have played. I must say however, have so enjoyed meeting, “The Real Person”, if only on The Facebook! You have enlightened my life!!!! Wishing All The Best, for your 2nd Season with Bosch!!! 🙂
Thanks so much Kim. And I’m enjoying our facebook communication as well! All the best! Greg
Hi I have just seen you in Bosch and you blew me away with your performance .
You are totally scary but also hilarious in Always Sunny as well .
I recognise you from some great 80s and 90s films of course .
Truly love seeing you on screen .You don’t get enough exposure in my mind so get your agent on it !!
Good luck in everything you do !
Hi Steven, thanks so much for your kind words. I really appreciate it. Love being a part of Bosch. And working with those guys on “Sunny” is just so much fun. I should hire you as my publicist! 🙂 Thanks again!
Thank You so much for replying to my message !! Only just saw the notification so maybe I wouldn’t be a very good publicist after all ! : )
I suggest you get your Website designer to add a plugin so that all of us fans can share your replies on Facebook or Twitter etc !!
Thanks again and have a great day !!
It was great to see you on Bosch and again on Always Sunny this year. Happy holidays to you! I wish you the best in 2016!
Warmest regards,
Thanks Brittany! Happy Holidays to you too. And have a wonderful New Year! Greg
Appreciate you sharing, great blog post.Thanks Again. Really Cool. aakdkdfdceeefadd
Appreciate you tuning in smithg7!
With all due respect, I had no idea that you’re a very successful actor…until today, that is. I simply don’t follow movies and television anymore, so it’s nothing personal. (Though I unknowingly saw you in “Purgatory” many years ago.) Today I was researching some old sports associates–yourself included–and what a pleasant surprise! Oh, who is this clown, you wonder? I went to Acalanes and played first base on the Orinda Legion squad. I defected from the Lafayette team to get more playing time, and it was one of the most enjoyable summers of my youth. I know you were a great punter, but you also had flypaper for hands and a pretty good stick as well. Congrats on your success! Take care.
Bill! Oh my God! I remember you VERY well! Ya, by our junior “73 and senior years ’74, our Orinda Legion squad couldn’t compete with Lafayette’s team back then. But we sure DID have a lot of fun! Some of the best memories of my childhood was playing baseball, Bronco, Pony, Colt, Legion, and for Miramonte’s teams. Should have never given it up in college – I’m an idiot – loved the game immensely. I recall you rarely had a ball get by you – either over your head or on the ground at first base. Great memories. I’m so glad you touched base How the heck are you? I’ll send you a private message. Damn, great to hear from you! Greg
Hey Greg – Thanks for the response. I’ll give you a quick rundown on my relatively boring life through the private messaging. Yeah, we always fell short against Lafayette, but in ’73 we were a pretty solid squad. One of the summer’s major highlights was when Graumann threw a gem against El Cerrito and snapped their win streak. I think they were the defending state Legion champs, a pretty major achievement in California. It was indeed a fun summer, and I think it was the best season I ever had with the bat. And yes, you would have been a very solid college baseball player…but going to classes and playing two sports would have been a pretty tough role to play (pun intended!). Great to hear back from you. – Bill
Great to hear from you too Bill!
Mr. Cummins,
I am so happy that your character Luther was back on Sunny! I think they need to have you on the show more, and even a spinoff! Anyway, thanks for the laughs, and remember to blink! 🙂
Thanks Mrs. Mac! I appreciate it! I wish I were on the show more too! Spinoff sounds like a GREAT idea!!!!!!!!!!! All the best! Greg
Agreed! One of my favorite supporting characters on Always Sunny is Luther. You play the part so we’ll! Thanks for the laughs. I also enjoy Bosch
Thanks Jesse! I appreciate the support! Hope all is well with you in Duluth. 🙂
Happy Holidays!
Thanks Brittany! Back at ya!
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Yes we are niner fans living in WA.It can be intimidating .Once walking to a hawks niner game in seattle we were confronted by a latte drinking software engineer at Starbucks. He asked us for our email so he can hack our account ha ha.I still admire the raiders of the seventies because they had so many colorful characters on the team.Hendricks aka the stork lived in orinda and I grew up with his kids.I wasnt a athlete at MHS except for the occasional 100 yard dash running from the deans from the backfield to the creek off Moraga way. Ha ha.I was into motorcycles dirt and street growing up and still am to this day.I sometimes ride from WA to the Bay Area round trip when I visit my parents on Miner Rd.As far as football is concerned my son is obsessed with the game but he is small for his age so I tell him if he wants to play he’s going to have to be a tough little guy.So I show him players that are small in the NFL and boxing clips of Manny Pacquio so he can get inspired.ill be looking for your different characters .Your artistic creativity and facial expressions are awesome. My wife and I are fans of your work
Thanks again and can’t wait to see Luther on always sunny
Thanks Mark, I appreciate your comments. Jim Otto also lived in Orinda, as well as a few other Raiders over the years. My mom was a big realtor there at the time. Go NINERS (and Raiders) – this year is our year to unseat the Seahawks finally! The episode I’m on this coming season will be the season finale. Take care fellow Orindan!
Hi Greg
I should have used the Hunter Darnell Hickens mug shot look when I got beat up by the gruesome twosome in orinda.ha ha love that shot
haha! Hi Mark, Just give me the names of the gruesome twosome – and I’ll take care of em! Take care fellow Orindan! Stay in touch! Greg
Hi Gregory
I looked at your athletic bio.Im impressed. MHS had quite the FB team back then.Back to Back turkey bowls .You guys looked pretty tough with the long hair.My son is playing his 2nd season pop Warner FB up in mercer island WA.Mercer Island is just like orinda meaning the other towns are out to get us so last season i showed him clips of the oakland raider defense in the seventies and told him to play like them . This season I’m going to show him a picture of Darnell Nickens from hunter and tell him to look like that when he’s playing defense. Ha Ha
Hi Mark, Haha – that’s funny! Ya – my senior year we went the Turkey bowl and even though we were a smaller school – they didn’t have divisions then – and we ended up winning and ranked #1 team in the whole east bay area. We finished with only 27 players – and beat an Antioch team that had at least 85 players. Mercer Island – nice- pretty up there. Ya- the early 70’s raiders D was unbelievable! Heck – both sides of the ball – they were feared! I was a baseball player first – didn’t like hitting people or getting hit until my high school senior year – was all skin and bones before that. Are you still a Raider and/or 49er fan – or have you gotten behind the Seahawks. I’m Bay Area sports teams fan for life!
Just wanted to say that the It’s Always Sunny episodes that feature you are memorable. You bring an intensity to the screen that is authentic and down right palpable.
I just read an interesting interview with you at:
I hope that you’ve found some more steady jobs since then. Your stage presence is worthy of attention!
Have you considered creating a Wikipedia article about yourself?
Hope all is going well for you. Many blessings.
Thank you so much Deanna. Your comments are very kind. Speaking of “Sunny in Philadelphia” I’ll be working on the this season’s season finale espisode – don’t know what they wrote in for my character (Luther), but I always look forward to working with these guys. They are so much fun I’d work with them for free. (Don’t tell them I said that! I still need to make a living! haha) But seriously, it’s not work when I’m with these guys, it’s just a lot of fun. And I’m excited about a new web series made by Amazon Prime called “Bosch”. I’ll have a recurring character on that as well – they just picked up 10 episodes to shoot for it’s first season. Thanks for touching base and stay in touch. Again, I appreciate greatly your support and kind comments.
I friggin’ love Luther on It’s Always Sunny! How do you manage to go so long without blinking though? You’r eyes just seem to pop out of your face, it’s really intense! Hope you get some “bigger” film or tv work soon, cause you really are a good actor! Best wishes from Sweden.
Hi Chris, thanks so much. That’s very kind of you. I appreciate your support! Looks like “Sunny” will have my character back this season for at least another episode. Have some other irons in the fire too. I’d love to visit Sweden someday – I love the people! You take care, Greg
Hello Mr. Cummins,
I just saw you on Amazon’s pilot episode of “Bosch”. I am so excited! It is great to see you on another show! And you look so handsome, as usual.
I hope to see more of your character, Detective Moore. I wish you the very best.
–your fan
Thanks Brittany!
You are so cool on It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia! I live in Japan and my IASIP DVDs have gotten me through many tough times. The episodes with Luther are at the top of my favorites. I hope to see you again on the show in the future. Have a Kick Ass 2014!
Thanks so much Charley. Working on that show has been a HUGE amount of fun. Those guys are just super in every way. I hope they write me in for some more episodes in the future too! You take care!
Great to see this! Love the new spot! And hoping the series gets picked up! Merry Christmas to a great guy, both personally as well as professionally!
Thanks Peggy! You’re too kind! Merry Christmas to you and all your loved ones!
I just saw your Verizon commercial during the game today, so I had to check if in fact it was you with the ferret! Looking forward to new series too. Merry Christmas to you too!
Thanks Kathy, good talking to you today. Merry Christmas to you too!
I thought your performance in Shadow Hours was incredible. Hope to see you in many more films.
Thanks Adrian, I really appreciate it. All the best to you! Greg
Dear Mr. Cummins, I absolutely love your charector Luther on Its always sunny. My daughter introduced me to the show last year, and we stream it on netflix all the time, when we want to laugh. The episodes you appear in our some of our favorites. Sometimes we have to watch them all in a row. You always have such great timing and intensity. Were not sure how you are able to keep such a straight face amoungst all the silliness, but its great. Now, that we are fans we’ll be looking out for your future roles for sure. Health and happiness, Evonne
Thank you Evonne. I really appreciate the kind words. Being on that show has been a LOT of fun for me. Those guys are hilarious to work with and really nice too. And most of the time, it’s almost impossible to keep a straight face! Stay in touch, and thanks again! Greg
Your first role that I can recall. The year is 1970, the place, Inland Valley Intermediate, ( As it was known then.), you played the role of the station agent in a play entitled “Mystery at the Depot.”
You had a gray walrus moustache and a mop wig. Your first line- “Land ‘o Goshen!”
From such little acorns do mighty oaks do grow.
John F.
Oh my God John! How can you remember that!? I don’t even remember that! I remember playing Scrooge but don’t remember “Mystery at the Depot”! Wow. Land-o-goshen!
Hi Greg,
So great seeing you at the reunion! Even though our hotel rooms were next to each other (with Betsy in between) I didn’t get a chance to chat much. But, you took some amazing pictures! Can’t wait for the next reunion!!
xoxo Paige
Hi Paige! I just had so much to do outside the reunion, I couldn’t hang with you guys around the hotel. That WAS a lot of fun. Can’t wait for next time. It was so wonderful seeing you!
Hello Mr. Cummings. I really enjoy your character on It’s Always Sunny. Sunny marathons are frequent in this house, and you are so enjoyable to watch! I hope we’ll get to see Luther again before the series ends. I’m curious, did you audition for that role, or did they reach out to you? I can’t think of a more perfect way to portray Mac’s dad, and your chemistry with Rob McElhenney makes dysfunction look adorable. Very well done, my friend. Take care.
Hi Carolyn, What a nice compliment, thank you! I hope we’ll get to see Luther again in more episodes too! I actually auditioned for the role. It was just a one episode character initially, but then they created more story lines for Luther in successive seasons, which was really nice. Those guys are really nice to work for, and hilarious. And yes, Rob is great to work with, very very talented. Thanks again for the kind compliments! Stay in touch, Greg
Sir Gregory Scott Cummins,
Nataliya has not seen you in a while. We hope all as well with you. Very appealing website, and impressive list of work.
With best wishes in your career and future accomplishments, your friends.
Lee & Nataliya
The Amazing Lee and Nataliya! I miss you guys. So good to hear from you. Hope to see you guys soon! Thanks for the compliment on the website. I have new headshots coming up from two photos sessions over the last month.
Hey Greg, we talked today…Thank you for your condolences, hopefully we will live near each other! It may be difficult because of my incredible beauty…and your only wishes to look better than me.. Love ya buddy. Talk to you soon!
Jeremy! You’re getting so funny in your OLD AGE! You may be the best looking person in Oxnard. But I’ll be the best looking person in Camarillo! (And Oxnard) You guys be well and take care. Hope to see ya soon my friend!
Hello Mr. Cummins,
I love your character, Luther, on Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Will you appear in any upcoming films or television shows? After seeing you on “Sunny”, I will watch some of the films and tv episodes that you acted in previously so that I can look for you!
Your fan,
Hi Brittany, thank you. I have loved every minute of working with everybody on “Sunny in Philly”. I always have a lot of shows that rerun but I never know when they will air in advance. I’ll make a post to let everybody know when anything new will air. Thanks for your support! Health and happiness! Greg
Geez Greg, you’re a great actor, but MAN you’re ugly!
Your Loving Brother Dave. How do you feel about me now.
Hi Greg i am Dave’s friend Deborah and i have nothing to do with what he wrote. I enjoy looking at your Demo Reels.
Dave, if I’m ugly, what does that make you! Hi Deborah, nice to meet you!
Hey there.. looks great if i do say for my self… hope all is well dude. Glad to be some help to ya..
Thanks Jeremy…let’s touch base soon!
Nice work Gregory! Can’t wait to get a look at your newest work. Hope all is well.
Thanks Gus! All is well out here. Looking forward to my next visit out your way!
Forgot to list the leading role of Scrooge in Inland Valley Intermediate 1969 production of A Christmas Carol. Cheers, my friend.
Aha!!!!!!!!!! That’s right!!!!!!!! Hey Jim! Hope to see you soon!!!!!!